


這次要介紹的是[ 來跳舞吧should we dance片尾曲 ]

Sway           Pussycat Dolls 款款搖擺         小野貓合唱團

When marimba rhythms start to play 當木琴敲出的節奏響起
Dance with me, make me sway 請與我共舞,讓我搖擺
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore 像慵懶的海洋擁抱著海岸
Hold me close, sway me more 緊緊地擁著我,讓我盡情擺動

Like a flower bending in the breeze 像花兒在微風中彎下腰
Bend with me, sway with ease 與我共舞,輕柔地搖擺
When we dance, you have a way with me 當我倆共舞,用你的方式
Stay with me, sway with me 和我一起,共同搖擺

*Other dancers may be on the floor 舞池裡或許有其他舞者
Dear, but my eyes will see only you 親愛的,但我的眼裡只有你
Only you have that magic technique 只有你有那種魔幻的舞技
When we sway I go weak 當我們款款搖擺,我感到虛弱無力

I can hear the sounds of violins 我可以聽到小提琴的琴聲
Long before it begins 早在它演奏之前
Make me thrill as only you know how 只有你知道如何令我顫慄
Sway me smooth, sway me now 輕柔的搖擺,讓我搖擺

Mi amore

Sway me, make me 讓我搖擺,支配我
Thrill me, hold me 讓我顫慄,擁抱我
Bend me, please me 讓我下腰,取悅我
You have a way with me 用你的方法和我在一起

Sway me 讓我搖擺
Sway (sway) (*) 款款搖擺........


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